Fattignorge – Å falle mellom to stoler… Klagesak ref. 2010/01308‏

Ny jobb, nye mnuligheter, og nye drømmer…

I vasken. Istedenfor blir man hensatt til å bli et sjelløst nummer i rekken. Sosialkontoret og NAV vet hvordan man ødelegger både Påsken og utsikter til en ny fremtid.

Takket være rigide regler fra både NAV og Sosialkontoret er denne drømmen eiferd med å falle i grus.

Å søke støtte i Noprge er som “ta en ring og la den vandre”. Et skjemavelde som er til mer hindring enn til støtte.

Dette er saken og jeg siteterer fra min klage.

For snart to uker siden la jeg inn en søknad om stønad til reisutgifter og etablering for ny jobb i England.

Første gangen jeg var i kntakt med noen fra sosilakontoret på Nordstrand var en hyggelig jente ved navn Linn. 
Jeg fikk da tilsendt et avslag grunnet manglende dokumentasjon. Dette var bl.a. elektronisk post mellom meg og rekrutteringsfirmaet og kontrakt. Det var eneste grunnen til avslaget. Derfor dro jeg til sosialkontoret på torsdag den 18.03 for å forsikre meg om at det var den eneste grunnen til avslaget, og jeg bad dem om skikkelig behandling så fort kontrakten var kommet.
På mandag den 22.03 ble jeg forsøkt oppringt kun en gang. Da jeg ikke hadde mulighet til å ringe tilbake måtte jeg bare vente til den manglende dokumentasjonen kom meg i hende. Denne dokumentasjonen (kontrakten) fikk jeg i posten på tirsdag ettermiddag. 
Da jeg dro til sosialkontoret igår, onsdag den 24.03, fikk jeg vite at enda et avslag på samme søknad forelå. Skjønt jeg mente å ha oppfyllt grunnlaget for et positivt vedtak som ville hjelpe meg å komme meg i skikkelig arbeid igjen. En jobb som ikke mange vil ha men som er vel innenfor min kompetanse.

Som arbeidssøker med kun minstesats som utbetaling hver måned var jeg avhenig av å få den ekstra hjelpen som jeg har krav på.
Linn og jeg gikk gjennom avslaget sammen, hvor jeg også forela kontrakt og en ny søkand som hastesak, da jeg er avhengg at denne kommer gjennom før jeg evt. skal kunne gjøre de nødvendige forberedelser til reisen og oppholdet den første måneden jeg skal være på arbeid, samt å finne bopæl.

Linn bad meg om å dra ned til NAV slik at alle kanaler er brukt. Jeg er registrert på NAV. Men dette er en reform hvor jeg har fått mangelende opplysninger om hvilke rettigheter jeg har til stønad til et slikt foretagende.
Dette er noe Linn ville ha kunnet forklart meg allerede i forrige uke før kontrakten var ankommet. Alle som er registert som arbeidssøkere har rett på flyttestønad og botillegg når man har mistet sitt inntektsgrunnag. Ifølge saksbehandler på NAV, falt jeg gjennom to stoler. NAV har tydeligvis plikt til å hjelpe folk å komme i arbeid igjen uansett hvor dette måtte være, samt å gi økonomisk støtte til de som trenger det til etablering. Dette gjelder tydeligvis ikke de som har vært syke i lengre tid, og har levd på eksistensminimum i flere år som følge av sykdom. 

Hun refererte meg da til hennes teamleder Anette Gjørve til samtale i dag angående avslaget som hun stod bak.
Dette er grunnen til første avslag:

“Selv om villkårene i Lov om sosiale tjenester i NAV ikke er tilstede”, det vil,si folk som får tre ganger så mye som undertegnede har rett til stønad, så har altså ikke jeg som får 5500 å leve for, og komme meg tilbake til live for rett til dette. “Det gis imidelrtid grunn til å yte sosialhjelp i særige tilfeller til personer som trenger det for å kunne overvinne eller tilpasse seg en særlig vanskelig livssituasjon”. Henv. paragraf 19.

Jeg vil herved anklage Anette Gjørve for grov saksbehandlingsfeil og uprofesjonell oppførsel under en opphetet diskusjon idag angående min søknad. Hun har tydeligvis ikke lagt min sykdom til grunn og var heller ikke villig til å se det praktiske i det. At 

Hun skriver videre:

“Konsekvenser for avslaget.

Du må benytte egne midler dersom du skal flytte til England, eller du må søke deg arbeid i Norge”.

Med andre ord: Folk som er registrert hos NAV har full adgang til midler til å utføre de praktiske og økonomiske opppgavene til å komme seg i jobb igjen.
Jeg vil bemerke at jeg har til tider vært så dårlig at jeg ikke engang har orket å dra til behandling for mine depresjoner. Dette var også grunnlag for flere avslag fra NAV om attføring og rehabilitering.

Hele 2009 brukte jeg til å gjøre meg frisk på egenhånd, og kom meg i arbeid gjennom et rekrutteringsfirma i Irland. 
Dette var et korttidsengasjement, men den erfaringen jeg har, gjør meg ettertraktet over hele Europa fra firmaer som søker min kompetanse. Dette er også ne Anette Gjørven har oversett.

Det er ille nok at hun i vår samtale idag overser min økomomiske situasjon, men at hun med vilje overser min livssitasjon generelt de siste 3 årene når hun avslår min søjkand med ord som “Vi har ingen plikt til å hjelpe deg å flytte til Engalnd”.

Med andre ord,, hun virker tydeligvis ikke ha meg ordentlig frisk og at jeg skal komme meg i jobb, men heller la meg bli ordentlig syk igjen, hvor hun kan tvinge meg til langsomt å gå til grunne for summer som er mindre enn eksistensminimum. Dette finner jeg helt uakseptabelt!

For det andre, så¨viste hunn sin negative holdning hvor hun nærmest hadde bgestemt seg for å avslå min andre søknad. At jeg ble sint er ikke mer enn rett og rimelig. At hun istedenfor forsøkte å roe meg ned, ble hun brysk og avvisende og truet meg med å kaste meg ut. Dette var etter at jeg hadde sagt at etthvert avslag med en hvilken som helst begrunnelse er for meg også uakspetablet. For da må jeg avslå en gylden jobbmulighet, og jeg blir da en løgner.

MEd andre ord, hennes holdning stinker mer av politikk enn av medmenneskelighet. En egenskap som er nødvendig for å kunne ha en slik jobb. Dette mangler hun helt, hvor hennes manglende innsikt gjør at hun tar gale avgjørelser. Jeg sa at et slikt avslag vil få konsekvenser.
Først og fremst for undertegnede som får en hel påske ødelagt, og jobbmuligheten ødelagt.

Hennes konsekvenser for avslaget som hun skrev gjedler tydligvis ikke for de som er aktivt registrert hos NAV. Dette vitner om grov forskjellsbehandling og en form for maktarroganse hvor man kan skalte og valte med menneskjebner uten tanke for hvilke konsekvenser det medfører.

Hun refererte meg til et offentlig kontor som hun sa lå i Grensen 7. Jeg dro umiddelbart dit. Men det kontoret for klagesaker lå ikke der. Med andre ord, har hun fortalt meg usannheter kun for å få meg vekk, hvor hun tydeligvis kan skrive et nytt brev om avslag som har uendelig mye å si for min fremtid. Det jeg truet med var å avsløre henne og hele etaten med fulle navn av vedtaksberettigede; hvor en kommende skandale vil komme. Dessuten er hun og sosialkontorety i ferd med å gjøre meg til en løgner. Dette setter jeg meget liten pris på!

Intensjonen med sosialtjenesteloven er å hjelpe folk ut av økonomisk krise, ikke føre dem enda dypere inn i den. Skjønnet skal utøves slik at sjansen for å komme seg over i en annen og mer selvforsørget situasjon øker. Dette skjønnet har Anette Gjørve total mangel på.

Når man huser ekstremister og sender dem på luksushoteller, og nekter statsborgorgere som har gjort sin plikt for landet de nødvendige midlene for å komme seg ovenpå igjen, så  er det noe ruskende galt.

Jeg har bitt meg merke i at forskjellige kommuner har forskjellig praksis. En god venn av meg fikk nøyaktig det han trengte for å komme seg i jobb i Belfast. Han fikk den hjelpen som nå er nektet meg. Dette tyder sterkt på at slike vedtak er mer basert på skjønn og politiske avgjørelser enn reelle menneskelige hensyn.

Jeg påpekte for saksbehandler/teamleder idag at å avslå den nødvendige støtten jeg har krav på er som å tråkke på meg lenger ned i håpløsheten enn det jeg trenger. 

Jeg forlot sosialkontoret idag rasende. Og jeg vil ikke unnskylde noe av det jeg sa under samtalen, da dette var nærmest framprovosert av saksbehandler. Dessuten har jeg ingenting å be om unnskyldning for, da Anette Gjørve tydeligvis hadde bestemt seg for å avslå søknaden min, og heller foretrakk å gjøre meg til pasient igjen.

Dette er en konklusjon jeg har kommet til da hun nektet å svare et simpelt ja eller nei på et enkelt spørsmål.

Om utfallet skulle bli et annet enn det jeg ønsker, hvor jeg blir tvunget til å bli i Norge som konsekvens av et nytt avslag, vil jeg gå videre med saken og jobbe for at slike mennesker ikke vil få adgang til å jobbe med mennesker som er i nødssituasjon. 

Jeg forventer meg at denne blir besvart så fort som mulig, og ring meg på telefon så fort som mulig slik at jeg kan få klarhet i denne situasjonen. 

Til slutt vil jeg påpeke at hele saksbehandlingsprosessen har vært til et stort hinder, hvor jeg ikke har kunnet forberede meg på en ny jobb på normal måte. Dette har direkte gjort min livssituasjon mye vanskeligere grunnet grov saksbehandlingsfeil, og manglende skjønn.


Et nytt avslag kom som påskehilsen. Nå skal disse minidiktatorene, med Anette Gjørven gjort seg til mordere. De nekter folk liv og helse, og dreper mennesker i prosessen. Det er mjulilg jeg blir den siste av en lang rekke ofre de har samvittgighetsløst overkjørt… Med Anette Gjørven på Norstrand Sosialsenter som deres grelle ansikt.

Min siste samtale med Anette Gjørvik viser til dette. At hun refererte meg til NAV og amnglende meldekort er til liten trøst. Etter alle skrekkhistorier man får servert derfra, overrasker det meg ikke at hun henviste meg fra asken til ilden. Siden jeg har vært borte, har man visstnok hatt noe som heter NAV reform. Meldekokrt har jeg ike sett snurten av på mange år. At man må sende dette inn  på nettet, visste jeg ikke. føvar det den gode gammeldagse metoden: Skrive på  disse små kortene som man sender inn. Dette er noe jeg ikke har fått informasjon om i det hele tatt. Men de mener kanskje at de ikke plikter å gi fullstendig informasnon til noen.

Dette viser NAVs og Sosialsetnerets suverene menneskeforakt, hvor de overkjører mennesker og bedriver russisk rulett med menneskeskjebner… De liker bare å utøve makt, og intet annet! Dette vises med saksbehanlders trusler om å benytte seg MAKT FRAMFOR Å  HJELPE FOLK I ARBEID MED DE MDLENE SOM FINNES!

Der er tydeligvios letere  forøke å vaske sin skitne samvittighet ren… Med anres misere framfor å nnrøme at man har tatt feil, opg man skal gjøre alt for å å en i arbeid. Eller frisk i det hele tatt. Norge viser seg mer og mer som en stalinist stat med røtter i fascisotid tankegang. Og deres salamandersjeler finnes på diverse offentlige kontorer.



I was supposed to read poetry tonight!

Instead I got shit!

Hence one word about it!


And you bastards still wonder why I hate your guts….

Give me a drink and a bong hit, I might calm down!

Not a spliff second sooner!



I was suppposed to get the stage tonight to give my piece.

I got only one thing to say what just happened:



























I’m in dire to get another bong hit before you tempt me to throw on you my fucking flame thrower…

The Old Fool

 Old Mrs. Abrahamsen was reminded abvout her reckless youth by the old stork, Werner Abrahamsen. She wanted him to take it easy, and calm a bity down. “You! You have no rioght to give me moral preachings”, he bursted out. “You ran off with one of the most bohemian artists for three years to the dissarray to your bourgeois family! You can be glad that your uncle, the dead carpus of a priest didn’t know what you did! He d get another heart attack! Mrs. Abrahamsen went back into memory. Shen was only 20 years old, and wanted to become a painter. So she went to Russia when the century was young, and the world haven’t g0one insane yet, she asked the old foolish Russian Writer for adviice! “I want to become an artist” she said to the old legend. “But hoe can I paint art when there are so many people suffering?” “My child. You should live your life as a beautiful art yourself! You are what God meant to be! You should care for people and give up your dreams of beccoming an artis!!& She left him with a sorrow heart. The old folls wife, the Russiahn Writer legends wife followed her to the train station. “Don’t listen to this old foll! He lives ion a giant big lie!

He brags about being vegetarian! Eating but one bowl of soup every day! Truth is, that ik cook the soup of the stock of a whole chiicken!” He brags aboutr being vegetarian, and eats a whole chicken every day It’s how men are! They are old fools,, thinking they can take the world on with a bowl og vegetable soup, and eat whole hens without knowing about it.” With those words, Old Mrs Tolstoj left the young damsell who became a loving wife for an old stork who could take on the whole world when he was younger. It’s just a shame that the lizzards have now taken over, and they have no honor…

 Morten Alme

from Jens Bjørneboe, “Jonas”

Aftenposten… Sencorship du joure no; freedom of speech”

While theswe bastards are praisuing freedom of spreech, they are censoring me!


Because I write the Bloody Truth!

Aftenposten is infesteded by RW Freeper Freaks whom are aligned with otther fascist anbd rasicts covering under the loaberl of “relilgion critics”…

By banning me, Aftenposten have proven to be enemies of freedom  of speech!

Shabana Rehman, my old editor shold leave this nasty fascst paper at once in order to get some balance nto th equation.

It seems that Aftenposten only allows controvercial meanings when it comes to their RW agenda! To turn Norway, my country into a police state!

Where each opinion or written word can be monitored and sencoered by the “right wionged” and schooled political agendas.

I have seen rasist blogs, and opinions that have not shocked me, but surprised me.

They seem to have an honorary place in Aftenposten!

They tolereta RW fasict sencorship, yet they don’ty tolerate independent blogs!

Aftenposten, my old newspaper haver become a FASCIST  paper and forum!

I will find out who stands behind the sencorshiup of me and make this pieacer of garbage’s life very miserablke!”

Because these vultures want to kill me,’but ‘ will co9me back to haunt  Aftyenposten like a demon comming back from the grave! I vow o destroy Aftenposten as long as they still keep on sensoring free speech.

Aftenposten is an enemy of free speech, and they have turned this int0 a personal matter!

Maybe it’s time for the Irish Writer to come to Norway and make Aftenpostens life very  miserable!a

They WILL have me as an enemy as long asd they are nemeies of freedom of speech!

And I will destroy Aftenposten!

I know that Aftenpposten is filled with corruption abnd partisanship and fascism! Just look at their owners! Just look at the editors in Aftenposten that got my old editoprts kiled!


I even have names! I have their numbers!

¨Please! Pioss me off a bit more!

You will loose!

‘I will piss on your rotten graves!

Because none of you are worthy of kissing mine!


Special Comment… And Follow up

It seems that many Norwegians have no shame.

On several forums, the RWers couldn’t give a damn. Or they are exposing themselves as the racists they really are. They are much more cooncerned with women weariung hijabs in Norway and how they are being oppressed by their husbands than one hard core example in the Fahidas and her little sons case.

I am ashamed over some of my countrymens attitude about this. The land of the Vikings, Ibsen, Bjørnsson and Nansen alos carries forth new generations of village idiots, RWers and regular red neck bastards.

They have no shame!

In fact, they are gloating in their xenophobia, hiding like cowards under the notion of “Islam critisism”. One genious accused me of supporting the likes of Muyhyldeen and Mulla Krekar and their ilk, while attacking a defendsless woman. I guess some people don’t know the meaning of the word sarcasm.

New update:

The head honcho Terje Skjeggestad of Norwegian Immigration authorities have now spoken!

He accused Faithas doctor for being an “acitivist”. I wonder what he meant be that word. He went down to Genoa to check up on them. Instead of being criticised, he should be awarded with a medal.

Dr. Ulf Hørlyk, who’s an immigrant himself is now evalutating his own situation in this country as an immigrant.

This case is turning very ugly. Terje Skjeggestad claims that Faitha has lied, and that she does have asylum status in Italy. He claims so. I wonder if the journalists asked for some sort of documentation on this claim. Or did they take his words at face value?

Terje Skjeggestad has exposed himself to be a dangerous man; With too much power, and complete lack of humanity. It sort of reminds me of some of those beauraucrats I have met myself these past ferw days.

These creeps in power positions are using a hell of a lot of brain gymnaistics to defend their position. I guess they have too much pride to admit that they are a bunch of jackasses without an ounce of humanity.

In my opinion is Skjeggestad no better than the Stapo police that went out hunting down Jews in Norway in 1942 for them to be arrested and sent to Germany. We all know what happened to 750 human beings in the “care” of Hitler don’t we?

I consider Berlusconi and his Forza Italia of being of the same ideological ilk as any fascist movement. And people like Skjeggestad is their useful idiots.

I hope that the main characters in this drama will read this. Because I want them to know how much I despise them and everything that they stand for.

They are the people who make me hate being in Norway. They make me ashamed of being Norwegian.

But is seems that these control freaks with the money and the power is doing the best they can to keep me here.

I’m sorry assholes!

Before you can force me to stay by refusing me the economical support I need, and have a right to, I think I must become a highwayman again. I think that power mongers are very likely “victims” of their unacceptable behaviour.

I’ll give up my citizenship in a split second in exchange for Faithas and her wee son a safe haven in the country of Nansen and Bjørneboe!


Norwegian Shame

A few days ago there was an article there was an article in one of my old newspapers about a young woman from Middle East that came here for refuge.


It so happened that she was subjected to a 20 hour long gang rape by her “helpers” while her 6 year old son was witnessing this.

she got treatment at a hospital in Bergen, and as soon as she could walk, she was thrown out of the country. Now, she and her son is living from hand to mouth on a bench in the RWer Berlusconis Italy.

This is her story, and I iam quoting:

After 4 years on the refuge, she ended up in Bergen, norway. My birth town.

Her name is Fathia Omar. She recieved treatment for phsyical and mental trauma after multible sexual mistreatments. But in the middle of her treatment, she was forcibly sent out of this country. My country.

As traumatized as she was, she was still left on her own in Genoa in Italy.

“I still have stitches on from my surgery” she says.  there’s no doctor in Italy that want to have a look at them” she says.

About 2 weeks ago, the norwgian police nocked on her door. They gave her and her wee son an hour to get packed, say good bye to her husband and forced out of the country escorted by two policemen to Genoa.

As she is traumatized, so is her 6 year old son! This reminds me of someone very dear to me in Belfast. A young other whom I once was in love with, and her now 8 year old son, whom I still carry with me in my thoughts. If anything ever happened to them, I would take out a gun again.

Nower days, futhia Omar and her wee son Umir on the benches in Genoa, and the nights at the train station.

“It’s all the worse for him” she tells in an interview, refering to her wee child.

This brings me to another story. This reminds me of a rich bastard in Norway that goes by the name Stian Stiansen. He also have a history of rape, violence and abuse towards a mother and her son living with him.

“My son can’t sleep at night” the 25 year old mother says.  “He cries a lot,  and ask for Daddy”…

“But now, it’s day, and we can keep the traumas on an armlengths distance for the little boy.” For a few moments, he chases a yellow plastic bag as a free toy from the gutter in the piazza.

The laughter is in his eyes. He is full of color on his face from the pens that the journalist gave hiom as a present.

His traumas will still follow him for the rest of his life. And his mother will always have a broken dream of a peaceful existence without her husband by her side. the one who should protect her and his son from all evil.

This young boy have been on escape all his life. All due to Big Mens and religous politics!

It makes me sick to my soul!

This is her story.

Just after Munir was bborn, his father was killed by a local militia called Al-Shabaab. Out of fear for her own life, she escaped her home town Mogadishu. She travelled north with her baby through the desert to Libya.

there she got a job as a house maid for some local king pin and let someone else take care of little Munir while she was working.  Two years ago, the son of the owner of the house turned up, kidnapped her, and incarcerrated her in an metpy warehouse and started the misuse that lasted almost three weeks.

They turned up daily to take turns in raping her. After 20 days, her uteruce was so fucked up that they couldn’t use her as a jizz catcher anymore. So they let her go right into the street.

When Fathia sought contact with the babysitter, she told her that she had brought little Munir to Rome to other refugees with the notion that Fathia was dead.

With help from other illegal immigrants and refugees she scraped enough money to get smuggled to Rome where she found her son again.  For a while she survived by working illegally as a housemaid until she was thrown out on the street where a gang of punks tried to rape little Munir.

Fathia came in contact with a Somalian man in Norway through internet, whiche ended up with her coming to Norway and they got married.

In August 2009 she came to Norway.  Her doctor Ulf Hørlyk quickly realized that she neede extensive treatment for both physical and psycological traumas.

He put the wheels in swing and got her admitted to Haukeland Hospital in Bergen.

Psychologist Elin Mæhle concluded that both mother and son suffered from PSTD.

Fathia is confused, deperessed and traumatized.

Most of all, I think she’s extremely afraid. After the treatment she’s gotten from different forces, I wonder if she will be able to trust anyone ever again.  (My own assesment)

Her doctor agrees.

Dr.  Hørlyk have seen many cases. But none as brutal as this.  Neither doc or psycologist knew that she would be evicted.

“She may not have a right to asylum in Norway, but her treatment was not finished yet” the two doctors claim.

Fathia is included in the so called Dublin declaration,  which claims that she and her son should be prossessed in the country she comes to first.

The Norwegian Immigration Office have decided she was not worth the effort, and decided to follow the rules of Dublin, like the good little beauraucrats they are, and sent her to Italy. Without regards to her situation. and the two policemen must have felt very proud when they merely did their damned duty!

This is unacceptable” claims  Sylo Taraku, secretary of immigrants interest group.

The rules says clearly that no one should be evicted before an eventual treatment is completed.

There are many reasons that she should stay in Norway!

But none of these reasons were good enough for the authorities. 

Her lawyer Bjørn Nærvik showed absolutely no interest in even looking into her case and make an effort.

I suspect him to be a racist by nature, and should be disbarred from practicing law ever again. In my eyes, this freak of naturwe blongs in Vigrid or some other neo bnazi group where he and his ilk can be dispalyed as the village idiot he is.

When being confronted by journalists, he is filled with enimosity and have no interest in disgussing the case. According to him, fathias treatment was inconsequential.

According to her and her husband, they were never asked about anything else but the elementary questions from her lawyer.

She speak s a little Norwegian, but no English. A somalian man Nur Sheikh Ali have been contributing as an interpreter say this:

“I feel  with them. But I cant’t help them.  here, everyone must take care of themselves! I can take care of my self, but a single woman from Africa with a child stands no chance what so ever!!

I might add on my own account that the rich fat little fascist bastard Berlusconi have declared war on human beings like her.

“Italy is like an African country” he says. “It doeszn’t work! and the Italian police acts like the local Mafia”.

In the decission, the officials claim that it’s up to the Italian officials to secure Fathia and her little son. And that’s why they made this decision.

The marriage is not a document enough by itself, they claim.

The journalist gets up about to leave. then he realize why little Munir seemed so happy. He thought that the journalist Kristoffer Rønneberg was coming to get him and his mommy and take them back to norway and the man he calls daddy.

This story is not mine. I pledge my respect and honor to mr. Rønneberg who’s made an excellent journalistic hand work.

This story needs to be told in more than one language. This story needs to be spread to as many places as possible. These two beautiful human beings need and deserve all the help and support they can get. Anyone claiming differently I will call Evil.

I will lieave for England for work this easter. But I will gladly put my small one room  flat to disposition to keep these two in Norway. I will do my best to get them back here, and make them feel welcome! And I will gladly break the norwgian Laws du joure in the process. Because there is something called integrity. Somethin thaT NORWEGIAN OFFICIALS HAVE NO CLUE WHAT REALLY MEANS!


Give me one reason why I shouldn’t drag the names of these pigs through the mud time and time over!

I am pissed! And I have a very good reason to be!


Insight of life depends on the depts of depression…

It’s a quote from once a 15 year old girl.

This my adaptation of this quote to English, so that you humanoids that only know English can understand it.

It felt as if this was somehow stolen from me. But it wasn’t. It was hatched out of the mind of a 15 year old girl who’s now 20!

According to tests, she’s a genious.

In my eyes, these are thoughts of someone who’s thoughts and intelligence of human nature goes deeper than anyone I have ever had the pleasure or displeasure of encounter.

The father who gave me this quote gave me this quote. No strings attached. Which means I am free to use it for any purpose I see fit.

It’s because I have been living this bloody life of uppers and downers for the last 37 bloody years!

These words spoke to me directly. These are words that are easy to understand once you’ve lived through them!

There’s another thing to take into considration: The Journey!

the journey of your own life1 Most my time, I’ve been yearning for a new horizon after coming home from one. I don’t know where home is anymore.

I think I know, but after only a few months, I sink into a self pittying state of mind where the feeling of being misunderstood, or my travels don’t matter to the workaholics or dope heads that I call my friends and family don’t matter anyomore!

It was a good story, and nothing more!

Now, let us get back to our business of getting high on our jobs, or our ways of getting fucked up on drugs.

Or as my step dad said it so elequeantly, “don’t ask us for more money on your adventures! You’re supposed to be a grown up1 Go if that’s what you want! Now, blow off!”

I’m sure that these words will come back into his life and bite his luxury ass someday!

Because whatever BS his been going through was well deserved. And nbow, he’s projecting that over on me!

The bastard, Karl R. Johansen once told me I don’t know anything. I have no skill!

That coming from a man who’s been escaping both his kids, and are now living under my thumb. Or at least live under someonebody elses thumb.

And this creature whos real kids hate his guts, are trying to put me under, is trying to put me down. Sorry mates!

Insight in life correlates on the depts of depressions.

Something that only I in this Ibsenian family would know something about.

Many years ago, when I was still a student, trying to find my way after my tour of duty I wrote poetry to young women, or girls as that might be the case.

One girl came up to me as I sat on my regular seat at Bar 2 Be in Oslo, and wanted to read some of my stuff as I wrote them.

“You are so deep” she exlaimed.

“Ah! These lines only scratches the surface girl”, I parred back to her.

Little did I know how right I was at the time of Happy Hour back in ’95.

And my step father seem not to grasp the idea! Save from reading my blog! Thinking his shallow thoughts, not having a bloody clue, or learned something excpet for keeping on to his wallet like a tight Scrooge!

What he’s tought me along with the rest of my family is my love for journeys. Journeys deeper into the soul of man kind. The cultures that might enrichen our society today, and new tools to fight off the desctructiveness of lack of insightfullness.

My own family may have travelled further than me, and for longer time.

But none of them have ever gone to the depts of where I have been!

Yet my journey is not over! To find the skeletton of the human soul.  Will I find a dead carcuss, or will I find something more beautiful that I have ever encountered?

My depts of depressions have not taken away my small dream.

To have my own little cottage in Hobbitun England. A loving wife who’s tough enough to hear my stories of adventure. Small kids I can write fairy tales to, and a dog who’ll be at my side at all time, even when I write, and shut everyone else out…

Is that too much to ask?
