Christer Falck vil forby alt han ikke liker

“At kjendiser går ut mot narkotika, er ikke så uvanlig, men holdningen til alkohol er imidlertid langt mer liberal hos stjernene – slik den også er blant folk flest. En av de som skiller seg ut i mengden i så måte, er programleder Christer Falck, som nå har gått ut i et intervju med Se og Hør Weekend og oppfordret politikerne til å kriminalisere det flytende rusmiddelet.”

Kanskje Christer Falck er en historieløs drone som ikke ser hvilke fatale konsekvenser forbud mot rusmidler gir. Kanskje han ønsker å slenge enhver som har tatt seg en dram i spjeldet?
Kanskje han mener at cannabis er like farlig som heroin? I USA er over 80% av befolkningen for legalisering av medisinsk marijuana. 50% er for legalisering, period!
Christer Falck, og kristentalibaneren Dagfinn Høybråten er to dinosaurer som hører hjemme i et bedehus!

Vel, mitt motsvar til analkarakteren Christer Falck. Jeg synes at reality serier, og Robinson burde forbys!

For verre åndelig søppel enn det som folk blir invadert med, av Christer Falck & Co. skal man lete lenge etter.


Drukkenbolt, og hampnyter

EU & Afghanistan’s women

Crimes against morality and banned films

It seems that EU officials are more concerned about having a good relationship with the Bush appointed puppet Karzai than actually helping the women of Afghanistan.

They ban films under the guise of “protecting the women” in prison in Afghanistan. In the meantime, they have young kids in uniform going around in the Afghani countryside “spreading democracy” and “fighting terrorism” against villagers whom have never so much as to ever hearing about 9.11 or Bin Laden, protecting opium poppies to be sent to a Europe, where the receivers will be subject to European and American justice department for using a drug that their soldiers are protecting for child molesting war lords!
Does this mean that EU is nothing more than a de facto Orwellian dictatorship that allows mistreatment of women in a country that Bush convinced EU was a terrorist rogue state?
I guess rape victims in a country that neither EU or USA cares shit about except for having pipelines through is not important enough for the warhawks. I can only come to the conclusion that EU and US officials hate Afghani women more than they hate opium growers, and their corrupt officials in Afghanistan.
Which reminds me. I found a little GEM somewhere about some of the attitudes amongst Christian fundies in the “freest country on earth”.

Maybe EU officials should adopt a biblical policy toward rape and rape victims?

This is one fundies take on it. Maybe Christian zealots have more in common with islamic zealots than we realized?

If a law forces rapists to marry their victims, then perhaps the number of rapes will decline to near zero. What’s more, if the law requires rapists to pay fifty shekels of silver to the father, this could indeed equate to the death penalty if the rapist hasn’t saved toward his bride’s future. Thus, we have narrowed down the field of rapists who marry their victims to only those who have saved for their “brides” future. If the girl happens to be ugly, he is required to marry her anyway. Again, this stipulation will help narrow the field further since potential rapists will be motivated to think before acting. Thirdly, if one “selects” his wife through means of rape, then he’ll never be able to divorce her even if “she” turns out to be a transvestite. The law is putting so many roadblocks into the potential rapist’s path, and causing him to think, I would guess most potential rapists would opt for the easier path of waiting for a willing partner. Thus, such a society could easily exceed the American society in quality by many fold.

[Bold mine]

Alan Clarke, Debunking Christianity 162 Comments [7/16/2009 10:57:14 AM]

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) – og norsk medias stillhet

Hvorfor viser ikke norske nyheter bilder som dette etter at vi engang var med som krigsmakt og støttet demonstranter, dissidenter, og demokratiforkjempere under den såkalte “Arabiske Våren”?

Hvorfor tar ikke våre egne myndigheter opp USAs klare brudd på egen grunnlov hver gang en av våre folkevalgte får en mulighet til spyttslikking av den andre siden av dammen?

Fortjente Obama egentlig noe fredspris når slike ting som dette foregår i hans eget land, og han har gitt til de rike, og tatt fra de fattige som en omvendt Robin Hood?

Hvordan ville norske myndigheter ha forholdt seg til lignende forhold her hjemme i all 22. juli hysteriet?


Åpen brev til TV2 om OWS.

Kjære redaktør.

Etter å ha sett dekningen av OWS fra USA inatt, satte jeg ølet i vrangstrupen. For det var masse informasjon deres korrespondent utela, og som amerikansk MSM totalt overser.

Faktum er at ytringsfriheten i USA, og demokratiet er under kraftig angrep fra de som tjener på å demonisere OWS.

Dette er noe av det TV2 utelater.

Og volden, er det stort sett politiet som står for, og framprovoserer.

Hvorfor rapporterer dere ikke når politiet angriper gravide, og gamle med pepperspray? Eller når Bloomberg sammen med andre borgermestere samkjører sine angrep på OWS, og samtidig bedriver sensur av media som ikke engang har lov til å fly over?

Skjønt, ikke alle er like begeistret for OWS. Spesielt ikke de som fanatisk promotterte astro turf “bevegelsen” The Teaparty, som igjen var sponset av Koch brødrene gjennom proxy – Americans for Prosperity, Heritage Foundation.

Disse mener tydeligvis at å benytte seg av ytringsfriheten er “antiamerikansk”.

Spesielt når det finnes de som protesterer mot deres gode venner i nabolaget Wall Street.

Bloomberg forsøkte å legge ned OWS, men ble nekter av en dommer dette. Bloomberg, som selv er milliardær, og har soin kundegruppe på Wall Street har forsøkt å overse dommen om å la protestene fortsette. Han og hans like har ingen respekt for ytringsfrihet, eller grunnloven.

Vil dere kunne gi fyldigere rapporter bortsett fra skjønnmaling, halvsannheter, og fortielser? Vil dere ansette en skikkelig journalist som vet å gjøre jobben sin, eller vil dere fortsette med samme amatøren som heller er til irritasjon?

Mer om OWS finnes i denne linken


Freelance skribent og oversetter

A message to OWS

There are forces in America whom are drumming the war drums. Not only against you, but against a country that has never posed a threat to you.
They seem to never have enough. Have you noticed something?
Whenever “they” have problems with the voice of you, the people, they seem to conjur up another spook from underneath the bed they can scare you off with.
Now, here’s the deal! I have met some Iranian dissidents! One told me his story! As much as he hates his own suppressive government, he is not a fan of USA either. He does not hate you. He hates a US. Government for they have been doing in the Middle East for the last 60 years, as well as the diplomatic cronyism between the two countries.
It’s because theocratic America seem to share the same kind of morals as the ayatollah regime in Tehran.
Support now, the dissidents in Iran, as they face the same suppression from their regime, as you face the cops owned by Americans for prosperity, FOX, GOP, and PNAC, together with a bunch of religious fringe groups whom looks to seize power, and keep it that way, imposing an unconstitutional theocracy, where freedom is being dictated by religious dogmas!
You should have forced Obama to hold Bush, Cheney, and the whole PNAC gang accountable 2 years ago! That way, wars cannot be started based on loose allegations, and paranoia, and greed! They wage war on greed, and power! They sell it to you with fear, loathing, and paranoia!
Time is running out!
I am a simple, poor writer from Viking land! Norway! Though I have travelled around enough, and written enough, and read enough to see where things are going!
It’s time for you to stick it out, and gather together forces unprecedented since the Vietnam War!
To the Tea-partiers: You are either with OWS, or you are with the 1%! You are either with the people, or you are with the 37 tax evading corporations who wouldn’t mind dumping their garbage in your back yard if given the chance! Oh, that’s right! The Koch brothers are already doing that!
Your choice is simple! And OWS has drawn the line in the sand!
Best regards